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Friday, September 17, 2010

From nurul, SMA Al- Asyraf

Dirimu trhias sbg sbaik2 ciptaan.. Mk jdknlh dirimu nisa' yg boleh mnjd mujhidh.jihad d jln Allah.. Jdknlh dirimu antr fatayat yg dijulang..Cntik dipndg,ttpi sush utk dpegng..Jdiknlh dirimu gdis mnis y x prnh klah dgn redup panahn mata adam..Biar nafsumu hidup dlm trbyyh d jln da'wh btintakn drah&air mata prjuangan,dtitip ats warkh [nuh kemuliaan&dikirimkn utk mhjhdh menuju Tuhan..
¬slm syg(^_^)¬
-nurul,SMK Al-asyraf-

Ade numb ni msk siap bg msg mcm ni kat aq.
so,sesiapa yg ade snd msg mcm ni kt aq, let me know who u are.
cuz,i was very very appreciated with ur beautiful, awesome, and fantastic words.
THANKS, Nurul from SMA Al-Asyraf :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Words Of Love

Love words are one of the most romantic and grand ways to say you love someone dearly. Sweet love words from your sweetheart are like music to the ears. There is nothing more special than to hear the one you love whisper the words of love to you. There is no special season of love words. Whenever said, it means something entirely new.

Communication is like the fuel to romance and love. The words you choose make all the difference in your relationship. Making a relationship strong, blissful and romantic is the key channel to make a couple grow in love.

So now we know the love words are the guiding force to a relationship. So here are some of the love words to that always click for your sweetheart. So the next time you want to say something special and romantic select from one of these love words to make an impression.

Psychology of Lying

Psychology is a surprising and wonderful subject by means of which a person is enabled to study the minds of the individuals. It is an art as well as a science. It is an art in the sense that everything concerned with the individual is defined clearly and discussed elaborately. It is a science in the sense that there are experiments conducted in studying the characteristics and behavioral activities of the persons with individual difference. Using the knowledge of psychology, an expert knows how to spot a liar using some special methods.

How to tell if someone is lying?

One of the signs of lying is detected by frequent useof promising words like "I am telling truth only". They behave in an extraordinary way to hide their inefficiency to achieve the goals in certain things and choose lying as an alternative weapon. An expert in criminal psychology finds clue to tell if someone is lying by analyzing the individual's indifferent behavior and over promising words. Asking relevant questions to the person suspected is a good technique to detect a liar. From the facial expression and likely fumbling words, the lying can be confirmed. Also there are the 'Lie Poligraph machines' to measure the psychological stress detection from the facial expressions and cadenced speech.

Types of lying:

Basically lying can be classified into three ways and say why people lie.

a) Habitual lying: Some people use to tell lies as a habit whether good or bad. It is purely a habit of lying for nothing and are not to take it seriously that it would be against the interests of others and harmful for them. It is difficult to make them realize that it is not good.

b) Compulsive lying: In a few cases people are compelled to tell lies, the compulsion being out of a self based need or an external force. Such type of lying is known as compulsive lying.

c) Delusive lying: This type of lying is of worst nature because it is harmful to others. It is highly deceptive in consequences with utmost bad intention of cheating others and avoiding punishment.

Characteristics of lying:

There is one question to ask "Where are the liars?" The answer to this question is very simple but really surprising which may not be believable. The suspense lies in the fact that liars are everywhere in the society irrespective of sex and age. There is a research report saying that any human is thrown to circumstances to tell a lie at least once in three or four weeks which is really interesting.

->Lying is avoided when in face-to-face meet.

-> Liars choose phone as the best channel for lying

-> Lying is sometimes for fun and pleasure

-> To hide one lie subsequent lying can be seen with lying persons

-> Sometimes lying is exaggerated for some hidden reasons

-> Lying is in general harmful and sometimes harmless

Is lying always bad?

There are two answers for this question. Whatever may be the answer, it should be justified for its strength. Lying is not a criminal act even though it may be serious. If a person chooses to tell a lie for a better thing, it may be admitted in spite of its serious nature. If damage is caused with a bad intention to the good name of a person or a concern or a property, it cannot be borne with patience. Alternatively, when a person comes forward to tell one or two lying words in the interest of a genuine person in danger and genuine property at risk, it is admissible. So, it is an undeniable fact that lying is not always harmful. It is so only when it is for bad consequences with bad intention. Definitely, lying for good things is harmless. It is not punishable in view of the purpose behind it for a good thing.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


apa itu erti KAWAN?

sume kawan pemusnah masa hadapan kita kerana dia yg mgjar kite pengaruh sesuatu bnda.
tak sume kawan kite ada yg baik malah sume yg menikam kite dari belakang.
tak sume kawan yg sanggup bsma kita tatkala susah atau senang.
sume kawan adalah hipokrit. bpura2 waktu senang, ble susah jadi talam 2 muka.
sume kawan suka b'saing hbt dgn apa yg dia miliki tp syg mereka tidakla sebaik dan sebgs mana pun.


saya x mempunyai ramai kawan sbb kwn sume saya ada hipokrit, talam dua muka.
dan sbb itu sy lbh suke duduk sendirian b'banding buang ms dgn bnda yg x b'faedah. sy mempunyai rmai musuh, sbb musuh sy sume kwn2 baik sy dlu tapi da hancur. lbh baik anda mengenali rakan anda dgn teliti. maka,jgnla anda b'gntung sesuatu pkra dgn hanya kawan shja.